225Ac-FPI-2059 (225Ac-3BP-227, 225Ac-IPN-01087) is the 225Ac-labeled analogue of 177Lu-IPN-1087, a neurotensin antagonist peptide targeting NTSR-1 (NTSR1). The 177Lu-labeled drug was developed for the treatment of ductal pancreatic adenocarcinoma (DPAC) and potentially other Oncology indications, and these will probably be the same set of indications for the 225Ac-analogue.
In June 2022, FDA has cleared the IND applications for 225Ac-FPI-2059 and the corresponding Imaging analogue 111In-FPI-2058.

Target/Mechanism: NTSR1

Carrier/Ligand: 3BP-227

Radiation Type: Alpha particle (α)