Ac: Actinium
ACC: Adrenal Cell carcinoma
ACS: Acute Coronary Syndrome
ACSI: Advanced Cyclotron Systems Inc. (Company, Canada)
AD: Alzheimer’s disease
ADC: Antibody-Drug Conjugate
ADHD: Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
AECL: Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd
AEs: Adverse Events
AES: Affinity Enhancement System
AFP: Alpha Feto Protein
AG: Aktien Gesellschaft (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)
AHASA: As High As Safely Administrable
AIPES: Association of Imaging Producers and Equipment Suppliers (Brussels, Europe)
Ala: Alanine
ALARA: As Low As Reasonably Achievable
ALARP: As Low As Reasonably Practicable
ALL: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
ALS: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
ALT: ALanine amino Transferase (also ALAT)
Am: Americium
AMD: Age-related Macular Degeneration
AMI: Acute Myocardial Infarction
AMIC: Advanced Medical Isotope Corporation
AML: Acute Myeloid Leukemia
AMYPAD: AMYloid Imaging to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease (Europe)
ANDA: Abbreviated New Drug Application (USA)
ANSTO: Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
AP: Angina Pectoris
APC: Alkyl Phospho Choline
APE: Acute Pulmonary Emboli
API: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient
Ar: Argon
As: arsenic
AST: ASpartate amino Transferase (also ASAT)
At: Astatine – 211At
ATC: Antimony Trisulfide Colloid
Au: Gold (from Latin “Aurum”) – 198Au
AVT: Acute Venous Thrombosis
Ba: Barium
BAHT: Beijing Atom High Tech (China)
BAM: Bile Acid Malabsorption or Malfunction
BBB: Blood Brain Barrier
BBN: Bombesin
BCC: Basal Cell Carcinoma
Be: Beryllium
Bi: Bismuth – 212Bi, 213Bi
BLA: Biologics License Application (USA)
BLIP: Brookhaven Linac Isotope Producer (USA)
BN: Bulimia Nervosa
BNCT: Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
BNL: Brookhaven National Laboratories (USA)
Bq: Becquerel (unit)
Br: Bromine
BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India, China
BRICS: BRIC including South Africa (since 2010)
BRICSI: BRIC including South Africa and Indonesia
BRIT: Board of Radiation and Isotope Technologies (India)
BSC: Basal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
bsMAb: Bispecific monoclonal antibody
C: Carbon like in 11C or 14C
ca: carrier added (low specific activity)
Ca: Calcium – 44Ca
CA: Carbonic Anhydrase (enzyme)
CAD: Coronary Artery Disease
CBR: Central Benzodiazepine Receptor
Cd: Cadmium
CEA: Carcino Embryonic Antigen
CEA: Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (French Atomic Energy Commission)
CDIC: Canadian Development Investment Corporation
CDNM: Center for Development of Nuclear medicine (Russia)
CED: Coverage with Evidence Development
CEN: Centre d’Etudes de l’Energie Nucléaire (Belgium, French for SCK)
cf: carrier free (equivalent to nca)
Cf: Californium
CHD: Congenital Heart Disease
CHF: Congestion Heart Failure
CHMP: Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (EU)
Ci: Curie (unit) divided in mCi (millicuries)
CIAE: China Institute of Atomic Energy
CIS: Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Union)
CKD: Chronic Kidney Disease
Cl: Chlorine
CLL: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
CLO: Campylobacter-like organism test
Cm: Curium
CML: Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia
CMO: Contract Manufacturing Organization
CMS: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (USA)
CNRS: Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (National Center for Scientific Research – France)
CNS: Central Nervous System
Co: Cobalt – 57Co, 58Co, 60Co
CP: Complete Response
Cr: Chromium
CR: Complete Response
CRO: Contract Research Organization
CRPC: Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Cs: Cesium – 137Cs
CSF: Cerebro-Spinal Fluid
CT: Computed Tomography (X-Ray)
CTA: Computed Tomography Angiography
CTA: Common Technical Application (Regulatory)
CTPA: Computerized Tomographic Pulmonary Angiogram or Angiography
CTT: Cancer Targeted Technology (US company)
Cu: Copper (from Latin “Cuprum”): 62Cu, 64Cu, 67Cu
CUP: Cancer of Unknown Primary (Origin)
CV: Cardio-Vascular
CVA: Cardiac Viability Assessment
CVD: Cardio-Vascular Disease
CVT: Chronic Venous Thrombosis
Cys: Cysteine
d: day (unit)
D: Aspartate (Amino acid) or Aspartic acid
Da: Dalton (unit)
DAT: DopAmine Transporter
DCE-MRI: Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
DCR: Disease Control Rate
DDC: Duration of Disease Control
DEA: Drug Enforcement Administration (USA)
DESY: Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron
DFO: Desferrioxamine
DIVA: Dutch Isotopes Valley
DLB: Dementia with Lewy Bodies
DLBCL: Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
DMC: Data Monitoring Committee (= DSMB)
DMF: Drug Master File
DMSA: Di-Mercapto Succinic Acid
DNA: Desoxyribo Nucleic Acid
DoE: Department of Energy (USA)
DOPA: Dihydroxy Phenylalanine
DPD: Diphosphono Propane Dicarboxylic acid
DSMB: Data Safety Monitoring Board (clinical studies)
DTPA: Diethylene Triamine Pentaacetic Acid – Pentetate
DVT: Deep Venous Thrombosis
DW-MRI: Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Dy: Dysprosium – 165Dy
EANM: European Association of Nuclear medicine
EBRT: External Beam Radiation Treatment
EBV: Epstein-Barr Virus
ec: electron capture or electron conversion
EC: Ethylene di-Cysteine
EC: European Community
EC-DG: Ethylene di Cysteine–Deoxy-Glucose (= EC-G)
EC-G: Ethylene Cysteine Glucosamine (platform)
EC-G: Ethylene di Cysteine N-acetyl Glucosamine (drug)
ECD: Ethyl Cysteinate Dimer
ECG: Electro-Cardio-Gram
EDQM: European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines
EDTA: Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid
EDTMP: Ethylene Diamino-Tetra-Methylene Phosphoric acid
EFPIA: European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations
EGFR: Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
EMA: European Medicine Agency (formerly the EMEA)
EMEA: European Medicine Evaluation Agency (former name of the EMA)
ENEA: Ente Nazionale per l’Energia Atomica (Italian National Agency for Atomic Energy)
EoB: End of Beam
EoC: End of Chemistry
EoP: End of Purification/Processing
EoS: End of Synthesis
EPA: Energy Policy Act (USA)
EPAD: European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease
Er: Erbium – 169Er
Es: Einsteinium
ESA: Euratom Supply Agency
ETH: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Zurich, Switzerland)
Eu: Europium – 153Eu
EU: European Union
EUCTR: European Union Clinical Trial Register
EUDRA: European Union Drug Regulation Authority
EUDRACT: European Union Drug Regulation Authority Clinical Trial
EUR: Euro (currency)
EUVL: Extreme Ultra Violet Lithography
eV: electron-Volt
F: Fluorine like in 18F
FAZA: Fluoro-AZomycin Arabinoside
FCH: Fluoro CHoline (when labeled with 18F, prostate cancer PET imaging agent)
FDA: Food and Drug Administration (USA)
FDG: Fluo-Deoxy-Glucose or Fludeoxyglucose
FDP: Fibrin Degradation Product
Fe: Iron (from Latin “Ferrum”)
FEDER: Fonds Européens de Développement Régional (European Funds for Regional Development)
FEL: Free Electron Laser
FL: Follicular Lymphoma
FLT: Fluoro-L-Thymidine
Fm: Fermium
FMZ: Flumazenil
FNCA: Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia
FOM: Floor of Mouth (area)
Fr: Francium
FRET: Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
FUO: Fewer of Unknown Origin
g: gram (unit)
G: Glycine (Amino acid)
Ga: Gallium – 67Ga, 68Ga
GBM: Glio-Blastoma Multiform
GBq: giga-Becquerel (unit)
GCP: Good Clinical Practices
GCPII: Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II (should replace PSMA)
Gd: Gadolinium
Ge: Germanium – 68Ge
GE: General Electric (company)
GEH: General Electric Healthcare (company)
GEPNET: Gastro Entero Pancreatic Neuro Endocrine Tumors
GFR: Glomerular Filtration Rate
GI: Gastro-Intestinal
Gla: Gamma carboxy Glutamic acid
GLP: Good Laboratory Practice
Gly: Glycine
GMP: Good Manufacturing Practice
GRP: Gastrin Releasing Peptide
GRPP: Good Radiopharmacy Practice
GRPR: Gastrin Releasing Peptide Receptor
Gy: Gray (unit)
h: hour (unit)
H: Hydrogen like in 2H or 3H
H&N: Head and Neck (cancer)
HACA: Human Anti Chimeric Antibody
HAHA: Human Anti Human Antibody
HAMA: Human Anti Mouse Antibody
HAT: Humanized anti-TAC
HCC: Hepato Cellular Carcinoma
HD: Hodgkin Disease
HDP: Hydroxy Di-Phosphonate (Oxidronate)
HDR: High Dose Rate (Brachytherapy)
He: Helium – 3He
HEDP: Hydroxy-Ethylene Di-Phosphonate (editronate)
HEU: Highly-Enriched Uranium
HF: Heart Failure
HFBR: High Flux Beam Reactor
Hg: Mercury (from Latin “Hydrargirum”)
HIDA: Hepatic Imino-Di-Acetic acid
HIFAR: High Flux Australian Reactor
HIFR: High Flux Reactor
HIFU: High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
His: Histidine
HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HL: Hodgkin Lymphoma
HLG-MR: High-Level Group on Security of Supply of Medical Radioisotopes
HMDP: Hydroxy Methylene Di-Phosphonate (= HDP)
HMPAO: Hexa-Methyl-Propylene-Amine Oxime – (Exametazime)
HNSCC: Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Ho: Holmium – 166Ho
HPLC: High Pressure Liquid Chromatography
HPTLC: High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography
HRPC: Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer
HSA: Human Serum Albumin
HSP: Heat Shock Protein
HT: Hydroxy Tryptamine
HTRF: Heterogeneous Time-Resolved Fluorescence
HTS: High Throughput Screening
HYNIC: Hydrazino Nicotinamide
I: Iodine – 123I, 124I, 125I or 131I
IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency
IART: Intra-operative Avidination for Radionuclide Therapy
IBAM: Ion Beam Applications Molecular (USA)
IBD: Inflammatory Bowel Disease
IBS: Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBZM: Iodobenzamide
ICD: Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
IDB: Investigational Drug’s Brochure
IDEAS: Imaging Dementia – Evidence for Amyloid Scanning (USA)
IDS: Investigator’s Driven Study
Ig: Immunoglobulin
IGF-1R: Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Receptor (IGF-1R).
IHD: Ischemic Heart Disease
ILM: Intra-operative Lymphatic Mapping
im: intramuscular
IMI: Innovative Medicines Initiatives (Europe)
IMP: Investigational Medicinal Product
IMRT: Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
IMTO: Iodometomidate
In: Indium – 111In
IND: Investigational New Drug application (to request authorization to start clinical trial)
INM: Institute of Nuclear Material (Russia)
INN: International Non-Proprietary Name
INSERM: Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (National Institute for Health and Medical Research – France)
IOT: IOThalamate
ip: intra-peritoneal
IP: Intellectual Property (patents)
IPO: Initial Public Offering
IPPE: Institute for Physics and Power Engineering
Ir: Iridium – 192Ir
IRE: Institut des Radio Elements (Belgium)
IRE-EliT: IRE – Environment and Lifesciences Technologies (Belgium)
ISS: Investigator Sponsored Studies
it: intratumoral
ITG: Isotherapeutics Group (USA)
ITG: Isotope Technologies Garching (Germany)
ITM: Isotopen Technologien München (Germany)
iv: intravenous
K: Potassium (from Latin “Kalium”) – 40K
kBq: kilo becquerels
keV: kilo-electron Volt
KGaA: Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien (limited partnership with shares – Germany)
Kr: Krypton – 81mKr
KSHV: Kaposi’s Sarcoma Herpes Virus
LAR: Long Acting Release
LAT: L-Amino Acid Transporter
LBD: Lewy Body Dementia
LCNEC: Large Cell Neuro Endocrine Carcinoma
LET: Linear Energy Transfer
LEU: Low Enriched Uranium
Li: Lithium
Linac: Linear Accelerator
LLC: Limited Liability Company (USA)
Lu: Lutetium – 176Lu, 177Lu, 177mLu
LV: Left Ventricular
µA: micro-ampere
µm: micro-meter
µmol: micro-mole
m²: square meter (surface)
MA: Marketing Authorization
MAA: Marketing Authorization Application (Europe: filed document to request MA at the EMA)
MAA: Macro-Aggregates Albumin
mAb: monoclonal Antibody
MAG3: Mercapto Acetyl tri-Glycine
MAPLE: Multipurpose Applied Physics Lattice Experiment (Canada)
MBq: Mega becquerels
mCi: millicurie
MCI: Mild Cognitive Impairment
mCRPC: Metastatic castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
MDP: Methylene Di-Phosphonate (medronate)
MDS: Medical Data Sciences Ltd (Canada)
MDS: Myelodysplastic Syndrome
MeV: Mega-electron Volt
mg: milligram (unit)
Mg: Magnesium
MI: Myocardial Ischemia or Infarction
MIBG: Meta Iodo Benzyl Guanidine
MIBI: Methoxy Iso-Butyl Isonitrile
MICAD: Molecular Imaging and Constrat Agents Database (US)
MIKT: Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey (also called MIST)
min: minute (unit)
MIST: Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey (also called MIKT)
MM: Multiple Myeloma
MMP: Matrix Metallo Proteinase
Mn: Manganese
MNI: Molecular Neuro Imaging LLC (USA)
Mo: Molybdenum – 99Mo
MPI: Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
MRA: Magnetic Resonance Angiography
MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MS: Multiple Sclerosis
MSKCC: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (New York, NY, USA)
MTD: Maximum Tolerated Dose
MURR: Missouri University Research Reactor
MYRRHA: Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications (Belgium)
N: Nitrogen – 13N
n.a.: non applicable
Na: Sodium (from latin Natrium)
nat: natural (mixture of stable Isotopes)
nca: non-carrier added (high specific activity)
NCA: Non-specific Cross-reacting Antigen
ncf: nearly carrier free
NCI: National Cancer Institute (USA)
NDA: New Drug Application (filed document to request MA – USA)
Ne: Neon
NEA: Nuclear Energy Agency
NECSA: Nuclear Energy Corporation South Africa
NES: Night Eating Syndrome
NET: Neuro-Endocrine Tumors
NFT: Neuro Fibrillar Tangles
ng: nanogram (unit)
NHL: Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
NHS: National Health Service (UK)
Ni: Nickel
NIAID: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (US/NIH)
NIDC: National Isotope Development Center (USA)
NIH: National Institutes of Health (USA)
NIS: Na (Sodium) Iodide Symporter
NNSA: National Nuclear Security Administration (DoE/USA)
NPV: Negative Predictive Value
NRC: National Research Council (Canada)
NRF: National Research Foundation
NRU: National Research Universal (reactor, Canada)
ns: not significant
NSCLC: Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
NSEI: Nuclear Sciences and Engineering Institute (Columbia MO, USA)
NTP: Nuclear Technology Products (South Africa)
O: Oxygen – 15O or 18O
OCD: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
OECD: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer
OOPD: Office of Orphan Products Development (USA)
OPAL: Open Pool Australian Lightwater (reactor)
OR: Objective Response
ORC: Outage Reserve Capacity
ORNL: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA)
ORR: Objective Response Rate
OS: Overall Survival
OSCC: Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
P: Phosphorus – 32P
PAD: Peripheral Artery Disease
PanIN: Pancreatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia
Pb: Lead (from Latin “Plumbum”) – 212Pb
PBR: Peripheral Benzodiazepine Receptor (replaced by TSPO)
PC: Prostate Cancer
PCI: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
PCV: Polycythaemia Vera
Pd: Palladium
PD: Parkinson’s Disease
PD: Progressive Disease (in clinical trials)
PE: Pulmonary Embolism
PEM: Positron Emission Mammography
PERCIST: PET Response Criteria in Solid Tumors
PET: Positron Emission Tomography
PFS: Progression Free Survival
pg: picogram (unit)
pH: Potential Hydrogen – Measure of the acidity (scale between 0, very acid, and 14, very basic, with 7 meaning neutral)
PH: Pulmonary Hypertension
PIC/S: Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-Operation Scheme (Europe)
PK: Pharmacokinetics
plc public limited company
PLE: Phospho Lipid Ether
Pm: Praseodymium
PMPA: Phosphono-Methyl-Pentanedioic Acid
po: per os (by mouth – oral)
Po: Polonium – 210Po, 212Po
PPV: Positive Predictive Value
PR: Partial Response
pRED: Pharma Research and Early Development (Roche)
PRRT: Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy
PS: Phosphatidyl Serine
PSA: Prostate Specific Antigen
PSMA: Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen
Pt: Platinum
PTA: Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty
PTCA: Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty
Pu: Plutonium
PUO: Pyrexia (Fewer) of Unknown Origin
PVD: Peripheral Vascular Disease
PVT: Portal Vein Thrombosis
QA: Quality Assurance
QALY: Quality Adjusted Life Year
QC: Quality Control
QoL: Quality of Life
R: Arginine (amino acid)
Ra: Radium – 223Ra
RA: Rheumatoid Arthritis
RAT: Risk Adapted Therapy
R&D: Research and Development
Rb: Rubidium – 82Rb
RBC: Red Blood Cell
RBE: Relative Biological Effectiveness
RCC: Renal Cell Carcinoma
RCCC: Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma (cancer)
RCP: Radio-Chemical Purity
RCT: Radio-Chemo-Therapy
Re: Rhenium – 186Re, 188Re
RECAF: Receptor for the Circulating Alpha Fetoprotein
RECIST: Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors
RES: Reticulo Endothelial System
RFNC: Russian Federal Nuclear Center
RGD: Tripeptide sequence: Arginine (R) – Glycine (G) – Aspartate (D)
Rh: Rhodium – 106Rh
RIA: Radio-Immuno-Analysis
RIAR: Research Institute of Atomic Reactors (Russia)
RIGS: Radio-Immuno-Guided Surgery
RIT: Radio Immuno Therapy
RN: Radionuclides
RoI: Return on Investment
RSO: Radiosynoviorthesis
RSV: Radiosynovectomy
RT: Radio-Therapy
Ru: Ruthenium – 106Ru
RV: Right Ventricular
s: second (time unit)
S: Sulfur – 32S
SAB: Succinimidyl Astato Benzoate
SAEs: Serious Adverse Events
SARAF: Soreq Applied Reasearch Accelerator Facility
SAPS: Succinimidyl Astato-Phenethyl-Succinamate
Sb: Antimony (from Latin “Stibis”)
SBIR: Small Business Innovation Research (contract from NIH)
sc: subcutaneous
Sc: Scandium – 44Sc, 47Sc
SC: Sulfur Colloid
SCC: Squamous Cell Carcinoma
SCD: Sudden Cardiac Death
SCK: Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie (Belgium, Dutch for CEN)
SCLC: Small Cell Lung Cancer
SCRC: Surgically Created (tumor) Resection Cavities
SCT: Skin Cancer Therapy
SD: Stable Disease (clinical trials)
Se: Selenium
SERT: Serotonine Transporter
SFAIRP: So Far As Is Reasonably Practicable (UK)
SFR: Superior Femoral Artery
SGE: Selective gaseous extraction (99Mo)
Si: Silicium
SLE: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Sm: Samarium – 153Sm
SMDC: Small Molecule Drug Conjugate (Endocyte concept)
SME: Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (EMA status)
Sn: Tin (from Latin “Stannum”) – 117mSn
SND: Sentinel Node Detection
SNMMI: Society of Nuclear medicine and Molecular Imaging (USA)
SPA: Special Protocol Assessment (FDA)
SPC: Second Primary Cancer
SPC: Summary of Product Characteristics
SPECT: Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography
SPET: Single Photon Emission Tomography
Sr: Strontium – 89Sr, 90Sr
SSA: Somatostatine Analogues
SSC: State Scientific Center (Russia)
sst2: somatostatin receptor subtype 2
sstr: somatostatin receptor
STC: Soft Tissue Sarcoma
SUV: Standardized Uptake Value
SUVR: Standardized Uptake Value Ratio
T: Tritium (only in 3T equivalent to 3H)
T: Tesla (unit, magnetism)
t½: Half-life
Ta: Tantalum
TACE: Trans-Hepatic Arterial Chemo-Embolization
TAEK: Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumu (Turkish Atomic Energy Agency)
TAG: Tumor Associated Glycoprotein
TAT: Targeted Alpha Therapy
Tb: Terbium
tbd: to be determined
Tc: Technetium – 99mTc
Te: Tellurium
Th: Thorium – 227Th
THP: tris(hydroxypyridinone)
Ti: Titanium – 44Ti
Tl: Thallium – 201Tl
TKI: Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor
TLC: Thin Layer Chromatography
TRIGA: Training, Research, Isotopes General Atomics
TRR: Tumor Response Rate
TRUS: Trans-Rectal Ultra Sound
TSH: Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
TSPO: Translocator Protein (replaces PBR)
TTC: Targeted Thorium Conjugate
TTP: Time to Tumor Progression
TVL: Tenth Value Thickness
U: Uranium
UBC: University of British Columbia (Canada)
UPPI: United Pharmacy Partner (USA)
US: Ultrasound (Sonography)
US: United States (of America)
USD/US$: United States Dollars
USP: United States Pharmacopeia
UWCCC: University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center (Madison WI, USA)
V: Vanadium
VEGF: Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
VHLD: Von Hippel Lindau Disease
VMAT: Vesicular Mono Amine Transporter
VP: Vulnerable Plaque
VPAC1: Vasoactive intestinal and Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase activating peptide
VU: Vrije Universiteit (Free University, The Netherlands, Belgium)
W: Tungsten (from German “Wolfram”) h
WARMTH: World Association of Radiopharmaceutical and Molecular Therapy
WBC: White Blood Cell
WBS: Whole Body Scintigraphy
WHO: World Health Organization
WRPTC: World Radio Pharmaceutical Therapy Council (replaced by WARMTH)
ww: worldwide
Xe: Xenon – 133Xe
y: year (unit)
Y: Yttrium – 89Y, 90Y
Yb: Ytterbium – 176Yb
ZDA: Zoledronic Acid
Zn: Zinc
Zr: Zirconium – 89Zr